Hicollector in association with Pearlridge Center is back again for the 4th annual Pop-culture expo! What’s the pop-culture expo you ask? This is Hawaii’s two day multi-genre convention for all fans! We have been described as a mini-con for all fandoms!

Our first event was in 2019 and featured local artists and talents, cosplayers from various groups. In addition, we had free events for the kids (such as craft making and lightsaber demos/training). Unfortunately due to the pandemic restrictions we have been unable to hold any social events. As such we were strictly limited to retail sales only.

As such, our two day event features vendors and artists that you don’t normally see – and we are on both sides of the mall! The Wai Makai side (theater side) and the Mauka side (Macy’s side) is packed with vendors, artists and local talents! Choose from a variety of collectables for your collection!

Comics, Funko pops, Godzilla, Barbie, Hotwheels, Diecast vehicles, Star Wars, GI Joes, Transformers, Pokemon, Sports and trading cards will all be available for sale! Newbies, seasoned veterans and enthusiasts are all welcome to come down and browse the various collectables featured!

Want more to do? Then visit Hawaii’s local artists and talents at the show! They will be situated around the mall for you to meet and greet and purchase memorabilia!

n addition, there will be a special appearance from the cosplayers at 21st legion! They will be around for free photo ops and meet and greets! So come down and enjoy the show!!!! The best part is that this event is totally free and open to the general public! There is no charge for admission!
Special note: If you are a cosplayer and wish to attend the event. Pls contact us prior to the show! We will need to get approval for you to appear – we can be reached at 808-888-2189. PLS DO NOT JUST SHOW UP TO THE EVENT – YOU MAY BE ASKED TO LEAVE.