Aug 2017 Comic pick of the month

Enter the Defenders…A small clandestine group of heroes that banded together to help defend the world.  Unlike the cast on the newly released Netflix series, the original super-hero lineup in the comics consisted of Hulk, Doctor Strange, Namor and the Silver surfer.  By the issue #125 of the comic series, all of the original members of the group were gone. However, with the exception of Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist have all been members of the team in the comics.  And although the defenders was not one of the more popular Marvel Super-hero groups, many other popular characters have been members (Ant-man, Valkyrie, and Beast just to name a few).

We recommend this comic to add to your collection because of its pop-culture significance. Our suggestion is to try to get this comic in a midgrade condition as it is a Bronze age comic and not an  affordable comic.